2011. október 7., péntek

Birthday Party

Incest Birthday Party
Request from a foreign friend.
Mommy, and her kids, sister and brother :P
Happy family birthday! :D

2011. szeptember 29., csütörtök

Zolar, the Psion

Zolar, the interesting psion...
He hate women, and look at them as disgusting thingies, and not love the males either. This isn't his original body... who or what was he...or...she?

[S/he was a succubuss slave of an old thayan wizard long time ago, then learned to use psionics, and learned how to transfer her/his mind from a body to another one, then killed her/his master. Since s/he travel the world, and s/he had many body.]

Fun in the Water

Miriam, the paladin, Alena, the druid, Kiki and Aleandra, the sorcerers and Randall, the incubus, El and Briost enjoy the clear, fresh water after a hard quest.

2011. szeptember 21., szerda