Cernia absorbed too much CUM |
A gift for Exodd about his OC, Cernia. Cernia's ability is that she can absorb any liquid, and she can controll them too. She can turn her body to any liquid too.
Egy ajándék rajz
Exodd-nak a karakteréről, Cerniáról. Cernia képessége, hogy képes magába szívni bármilyen folyadékot, képes a testét bármilyen folyadékká változtatni, és képes irányítani is bármilyen folyadékot.
I made some version, but if you have any other idea, just write it for me in comment! Or, you can download the clean Cernia in HQ from here, sou you can draw your own Cernia, while she absorbed any liquid! Just please post the image link in comment, to share your Cernia! Thanks!
Több verziót is rajzoltam, de ha neked további ötleted lenne, írdd meg egy kommentben! Vagy, akár le is töltheted a "tiszta" Cerniát, itt lejjebb, nagy felbontásban, hogy megrajzolhasd a saját verziód, hogy Cernia hogyan szívja magába (és ereszti ki) az általad választott folyadékot! Annyit kérnék, hogy egy kommentben oszd meg a végeredményt. Köszi!
More Versions:
Lineart |
Cernia absorbed too much ______ (original clean version - High Quality!) |
Cernia absorbed too much CUM (glossy version) |
Cernia absorbed too much WATER |
Cernia absorbed too much BEER |
Cernia absorbed too much WINE |
Excellent one, this girl is really beautifull but I'm just curious about one point, she need to turn her body into a liquid to control it or don't need that? In fact she have the same power than Korra though this time she can play with beer... Interesting... XD
VálaszTörlésThat's nice you add a little description on each drawing, I start I thought the beer was pee... Not good... T_T
Yeah, and the wine is a little similar to blood... :D
VálaszTörlésYes, I guess she is similar to the waterbenders. I don't know really this OC, I don't know that she would need to turn her body to that liquid, what she want to control...
I had the same idea with wine but didn't wanted to say blood and pee at the same time, don't want to to think I have a crazy mind... XD
TörlésSo I'll take a look to Exodd page to find more informatiosn about her, also thanks for your answer... ^^